Friday, September 27, 2013

September 2013: Megami Styles

Trying to figure out a style for a Gaia requested drawing thing for LittleDemonMegami. Really out of practice. Hard to get into a real polished drawing. Exhale.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

August 2013: Morning Comics

I woke up one morning and felt like expressing myself with a couple of comics...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September 2013: Harley

Since the Animals ABCs series I did in July, I've been slowing down to a rut. None of us care about the details. Where's the dern art, right?

I heard about the whole Harley Contest, but the furthest I managed to get was jut a little sketch I did during a kareoke night. (I sang. It was tragic. The end.) Anyway, those who have known me for a long while may know my little soft spot for jesters and harlequins, and thus Harley. Someday I'll do her justice. Not today though.

Anyway, right after I finished that sketch, I started another one... Just a doodle.