Thursday, December 29, 2011

December 29, 2011: Gaians with Gray Backgrounds

Gaia OC for babyboo17forever. 1 hr.

Gaia avatar: Expendable Knight. (Yes, the censor bars are part of the avatar.) 2 hr. 20 min.

Intended to be a freebie, but super-tipped for Gaia avatar Honey_Luvs_Yew.

Gaia avatar: The Credits.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

December 22, 2011: G: LostInStereo

Gaia freebie: LostxInxStereoxx, 15 min.

Gaia freebie:
Ceaue, 20 min.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

November 19, 2011: Loren

Loren doesn't own a hat like this. He'd rock it though.

October 2011: Treasure Tree

When left to my own devices, I mainly draw people and animals. Once in a while, someone who knows me well will push me to draw things I don't normally draw.

October 2011: Marco

Okay, technically he's supposed to be wearing the Cookie Monster t-shirt, but I never got that far.

November 2011: Ouija Request

These are some preliminary sketches for a request from my friend, Jesse. Here's how I work: "Can I draw a truck? ... Not bad, but here's how I'd normally draw it! ... Okay, back to work..." Obviously this isn't the refined version, but it's something.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 2011: Savings You Can't Refuse

Yay! I'm back with my holy trinity of scanner, computer and internet access! I can catch you up to all the... uh... couple of... sketches... I've been doing.

... Okay, honestly, some of this stuff is gonna date back to October or whatever, and these aren't the best sketchies, but here they be.

We all know Pereru, right?

So I wanted to design a new sign for work a while back, since we had a great sale on canvases but no real artsy sign to inspire people to buy loads of them. Thus, I tried to design something...

... Didn't actually go further with that concept. Instead, I ended up with an acrylic painting...

(Yeah, the chair isn't part of it; I just don't have an easel.) The sale ended the day after I put it up.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 5, 2011: Assassin Ninja

Upon request, a ninja assassin chick. Probably around 3 hours total, from pencil sketch to ink/marker.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 2011: Lack of Scanner

Not having a scanner is kinda driving me a little crazy. I'm taking advantage of the situation and using media I'm not that confident about... So... Here's a couple of Photoshop sketches...

First, Pereru, which took about 1.5 hr.

Michelle Obama, 2hr 30 min.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 13, 2011: Anatomy

I really do need to work on my anatomy.

October 11, 2011: Cars and Hunting

The auto shop where I was having my tires replaced was filled with interesting aesthetics, including a 7' plant surrounded by soiled (haha) floor, two taxidermy ducks, and two buck heads. Sparing no expense, they decided against saving a couple bucks.

October 2011: Water and Earth

I have an unfinished painting of fish that's been sitting around for about a year or so now... Ah well. Here's a drawing. Yay.

I saw the spirit, (who is more mischevious than evil, really) but I suppose I was alone in my ability to see him...

I imagine this as a sort of alchemist living in a hobbit hole.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Note to Self

Hi guys.

Are you missing my sketch-a-doodles? Are you?

Welp, I do have a couple of new doodles to share, but first, I wanna remind myself of some projects I need to complete prior to starting something way more awesome!

My To-Do List:
PS Chickee
• Gasmask Ninj-Lady
• stardazzle whatevs

Can't think of anything else for now... So art next time! Fer cereal.

Friday, September 2, 2011

August 31, 2011: Isometric and Deadly Lack of Accuracy.

The assignments were "isometric cow" and "something you won't like drawing." Ships are right up there with hi-tech mechanical gizmos for things I don't like drawing.

This is what happens when I'm too lazy to get references for poses. "So the weight goes... where?"

The infamous Paintball Penguin. Sept. 2011.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

August 9, 2011: Friends?

August 5, 2011: Parry Gripp Baby Monkey

A really quick, hurried sketch done for a time contest for Parry Gripp.

August 3, 2011: Dinner with Tim

Upon entering the restaurant with my pal Tim, I noticed crayons on every table-- clashing amazingly with the rest of the low-lighting fancy decor. Of course I immediately requested every color crayon they had. I think I recall the food was tasty, too...

The train ride home was well over an hour. I had time to doodle.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 19, 2011: Cheetahs

Hmm... What to draw, what to draw... New characters? No, wait-- CHEETAHS!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17, 2011: Luna.

July 15, 2011: Nails.

Nail salons are full of harsh chemical smells mixed with strangely effeminate perfumes and often the scent of heating acrylic. Sometimes they will also have really neat plants. I was disappointed to find that I hadn't the time to draw the little Buddha statue that would sit to the left of this.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011